Month: April 2014

  • Less thinking, more doing

    What am I doing? I’m tired, I’ve got too much to do, I can’t afford it; so why am I doing this triathlon thing again? It’s another one of those times of the year when the fatigue is starting to set in and the bank balance is starting to look unfriendly. I’ve almost finished my…

  • Podcast feeds and Windows Phone 8.1

    Finally Windows Phone has a proper podcasts app with the latest (developer) version of Windows Phone 8.1. All you Windows Phone users (anyone?) will be able to search for podcasts from within the app, and Bing does a pretty good job of finding the stuff you like to listen to. When I tried it the…

  • Tearing it up

    Towards the end of my base phase of training, when the training volume was getting high (and the training load was higher than ever before, but mostly due to all the swimming I’ve been doing) and I added in some early season racing, I got a fair bit of calf soreness. My legs have been…