Month: January 2010

  • Polar to Garmin

    Like me, my Polar heart rate monitor, chronometer, speedometer and sole training partner (other than my shadow, but he hasn’t been out much lately) has been struggling recently. His memory failed this week after getting a little water inside his case, and he’s never really recovered. Sorry buddy, but it’s time for a replacement. Polar…

  • Week 121: Skull, the temporal region

    This week we made it all the way up to the head. To look at the anatomy of the head, we need to start by looking at the bones. Different stations looked at different parts of the skull and teeth, and I spoke about the temporal region. The temporal region (or as laymen may call…

  • RIP Polar S625x

    I thought I’d revived the little fella with a new battery and a little TLC, but it looks like its days of partnering me when training are over. It has had a tough life. After its last new battery a couple of years ago it misted up when swimming in Africa and has been a…

  • He who looks after my legs

    The bloke that looks after my legs has just got a website: Recommended.

  • Elearning: skull bones

    We’re looking at some head and neck anatomy on Monday, and some stations will be looking at the bones of the skull. I have an elearning thingy here to help you with bones, sutures and foramina of the head:

  • Self-coached

    I like coaching myself. I’m very motivated and obsessively read around any subject I’m interested in. I have a reasonable understanding of the human body and I’m always keen to add to that, to tie in different bits of knowledge and better understand what’s going on inside me and the other machines like me. I…

  • LEGO Universe

    Could LEGO Universe be the nail in the coffin for my WoW gaming? I hope I won’t have to pay out for two accounts (one for me, one for Jack) to play LEGO’s new, MMO game this summer, but I have a feeling that I will. It’s likely that Jack will go nuts for this.…

  • 2010

    2010 has kicked off. I asked Jack whether I should continue cycling, running, swimming and racing or just take it easy, eat biscuits and play more computer games. He pondered very briefly before confirming that I should keep doing what I’m doing. I think I was looking for an out. I asked him why he…