Month: July 2011

  • Training with power: ditching the iBike

    My iBike power meter died last week when the wired speed sensor started to fail and the completely crapped out. It needed recalibrating again too after some wet rides, and the data has been unreliable at best and crazy at worst for the last couple of weeks. I’ve kind of had enough of recalibrating and…

  • FHL

    Three and a half weeks after ripping up my calf at the Pembrokeshire Coast Triathlon (yes, I still need to write up a race report for that) I finally got to see he-who-looks-after-my-legs for some work on my legs. The poor bloke twisted his own knee the same week and has had to have surgery…

  • Salmoning



    I had a headache for 4 or 5 days that was probably caused by a blocked maxillary sinus after a recent snotty virus. I had some jaw & tooth pain too but assumed that was linked. It now seems that I’ve been grinding my teeth, which for me is a sure sign of high stress…

  • DNS

    Chatting with physioDave last night helped me decide not to race tomorrow at the Gower Triathlon. My right calf is getting better, and feeling pretty good after yesterday’s massage, but the flexor hallucis longus muscle really isn’t back to full strength or race fitness. My rule in training if I’m not sure how tired or…

  • Whether

    The sunny, windless weather we’ve been enjoying this week is predicted to be replaced by rain and strong winds just in time for the Gower Triathlon on Saturday morning. We’ve had one race this year with good weather, and the rest have all been chilly, damp, blowy mornings. So I still can’t run after the…

  • Cardiovascular development and changes at birth

    On Monday I gave a double lecture. The first part was about cardiovascular embryology, and the heart in particular, and the second part was about the changes to the cardiovascular system that occur with birth and the baby’s first breath. The second part is normally delivered by Dr Geraint Morris, a consultant paediatrician and neonatologist…

  • Salmon

    The domain name for this website is supposed to remind me (and you) to avoid the stresses of the salmon’s life, and not end up like that fish. I’ve been a bit salmony this week. I raced hard on Saturday, and very hard during the run fighting for a good placing. We were camping with…

  • Club Champion 2011

        Woo! Check me out! I’m the Cardiff Triathletes Club Champion for 2011.     The last time I was a club champion was 1992, and the trophies were smaller back then.