I’ve landed in Tel Aviv and I’m wondering, why am I here? Not the big, “Why Am I Here?”, but the smaller, why am I here hanging around for several hours in an airport in Israel after an overnight flight and a long coach journey across the UK with very little sleep and bags of stuff? Why am I in an airport with loads of skinny people in red, white and blue kit laid all over the place like some sort of competitive triage centre? I forgot.

I’m on my way to sunny Eilat on the Red Sea to race in the European (yes, I know, it’s Israel) Age Group Triathlon Championships on Friday. I’m here because I habitually tend to push myself a little further than I’m comfortable with, because I know from experience that from those fears can come smiles. With opportunities I think about saying, “yes” before I think about saying, “no”. I’m here because I thought, hmm, Israel, I’ve never been there and I fancy a little adventure. I’m here because this triathlon malarkey (and racing in general) is fun for me, and the racing isn’t stressful as such, but the logistics and the travelling can be. I’m here because, although completing a 2 hour triathlon is not a challenge for me, racing in a foreign country against competitors that have gone through a qualifying process is a challenge. As is the aforementioned getting myself and all my stuff to the start line intact. I’m here because last year it rained for almost every race and I thought I might be guaranteed a little sun by the Red Sea. And I’m here because I have good support, and although my family were sad to see me go they also thought it would be a cool thing to do. I miss my bagman but I’m hoping that in future years we’ll be able to do this together.

So it seems that results and placings and medals are secondary or tertiary to all this other stuff. That said, I’ve done the training, I’ve put myself into a good position with some great fitness, and race day will show what I have. I’ll push hard and get what I get. If the experience is as rewarding as I hope it will be, hours and years of preparation will move me forwards and upwards. All while having fun. That’s why I’m here.