150-odd days in the life of an age grouper triathlete

Training And Racing 365 Flickr
I’ve been taking a photo a day of something training or racing related for the last 150 odd days and putting them up on Flickr as a bit of a 365 project. I started when I began preparing for the 2012 season, and as I train every day I thought I’d snap something as a bit of a record. I’ve done this before as a normal 365 project, which was a good exercise in thinking about photos and turned out to be an interesting way of chronicling stuff you do.
A lot of it’s pretty basic stuff, and there’s a lot of cycling in there (not surprisingly). I’ve tried to put in various bits that show the different things you end up doing when you’re trying to be competitive as an amateur triathlete.
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6869421696 3Ebb62Dbff
Take a look at the Flickr set if you care to, and pop back regularly. The more hits it gets the more I’ll be pushed to put up interesting photos!
Flickr: Training and racing 365 set