Spiral fracture of the distal shaft of the fifth metatarsal bone of my left foot

Fibreglass cast
After a very brief assessment in fracture clinic this morning (and all that was needed) I had a load bearing cast wrapped around my leg, ankle and foot to replace the weekend’s temporary backslap plaster cast.
The verdict: 6 weeks in a cast, no load bearing for 2 weeks, expect 8-12 weeks before walking with little pain. That rather dulls the 2010 racing season for me.
It is what it is and there’s no point crying about it. I’ll sit down and look at the year I had planned. I’ll probably add a half-marathon to the end of the year (Cardiff maybe) to extend it and try to get under 80 minutes, and remember my long term goals. Races up to July will have new goals of “finish the race” and “learn”. Training to that point and from July to October is unplannable at this stage. I’ll get into the gym & work on the rest of my body, although walking on crutches is already helping that. I think I may be able to come up with some lightweight elastic band exercises but I can’t exercise my left calf muscles at all, and I have to be careful of damaging the cast.
It is what it is.