Month: December 2011

  • December training

    There’s a lot of comment kicking around about our mild autumn and winter. I’m not sure if people are complaining, wishing there was snow for Christmas, or just doing the British thing of commenting on all aspects of the weather. I’m very happy with the mild weather. It went cold last week which brought out…

  • Back to normalish



    The world is less wobby now. I was diagnosed with BPPV by many people, including the second year students as they had just had a week on the ear. That’s benign paroxysmal positional vertigo to you. Clinicans love abbreviations. I missed a couple of sessions because I couldn’t move my head or walk unaided, but…

  • Wobbly world



    The world was a bit wobbly once it had started spinning last week, but it wasn’t too bad. I had to skip a lifting and a swim session, but I was able to make up the missed running session (working hard to complete my goal of 3 runs a week until Christmas without hurting myself…

  • Vertigo



    I woke up yesterday morning and the room was spinning. Fast. Although not an entirely new experience for me I’d only experienced this before after drinking quite a lot of alcohol, and when going to bed, not waking up. Oh dear. The spinning subsided a little after swapping sides, but I wasn’t about to get…