Month: July 2009

  • The C

    The C, originally uploaded by samwebster. I bought a new bike. The weather has been so poor that it’s still in the garage in its wrapping. I’m surprised at my own patience.

  • Nana’s Trees



    Jack can see a distinctive pair of trees on the hill from his bedroom. They stand together away from anything else. He can see a similar pair of trees from the bedroom window of his nana’s house (100 miles or so from our house). Therefore they’re the same trees in his eyes, and are called…

  • Augmented Reality + Facial Recognition + Social Networking

    Yipes. There’s some forward thinking here. I’m not sure if I’m scared by this or very interested.

  • Stress and Illness

    A common theme on this website (and the reason for the domain name, “”) is the link between stress and illness. Here’s a brief article on Starve A Fever, Feed A Cold, Don’t Be Stressed. There are notes about the field of “psychoneuroimmunology” (which is a new one for me) and the study of…

  • Kitted Up

    I’m slowly getting kitted up to get back to triathlon. The last time I raced I used whatever kit I could find that I already had, but this time I’m taking it fairly seriously. And my cycling stuff (for example) is one or two decades old now. Triathlon is an annoyingly expensive business so I’ve…

  • Excitement

    I’m getting quite excited. This is unusual, I know. One of my Google Reader feeds showed that the route map for the Dublin marathon is now available online. Downloading and poring over that, plus starting my third week of my marathon training plan and running the longest (and most tiring?) long run yet on the…

  • Biking with Jack!


    in ,

    Biking with Jack!, originally uploaded by samwebster. We cycled to the park (and around it several times) and home again for the first time today. He had a few spills in the park but he’s flying along on the bike!

  • FuelBelt

    FuelBelt, originally uploaded by samwebster. These long runs are starting to get really long. This is the first time I’ve taken energy drink, water and a gel. My long run moves up to 29km next week and then 32km two weeks later. I’ve got four 32km runs scheduled before Dublin. I’m going to need to…

  • Worn away

    Worn away, originally uploaded by samwebster. I’d not looked at the soles of these shoes for ages. That left shoe shows the difference between my right & left leg actions when I run. The right leg has to do more work than the left as the left weakens. I’m working in the gym to change…

  • Podcasts

    Rhi and I have been chatting this week about getting the podcast series moving again. It has merely been on pause as Rhi and baby Dexter have been settling into their new roles of mother and baby and we always intended to pick up where we left off. We going to dust off the recording…