Month: August 2008

  • Don’t Die Young

    I’ve been watching a little of Alice Roberts’ BBC TV series, “Don’t Die Young”. Dr Roberts is an anatomist based at the University of Bristol, and has been heavily involved in publicising science. (Is that a term I just imagined? I mean to engage the public in science). You’ll have seen her on the Coast…

  • Megan’s Big Swim

    One of our first year medicine students at Swansea is attempting to swim the English Channel next week. As you do. (These students are nuts for doing things that are ridiculously hard). Go see how Megan is getting on at her blog: While you’re there, click on her “Sponsor me” link and give some…

  • Lego Universe



    Wow, Jack is going to love this – Lego are creating a MMORG (massive multiplayer online game). You’ll be able to create your own character and earn bricks by completing tasks and solving puzzles. There’s an epic storyline too, explaining how Lego Universe and its characters came to be. If they get it right like…

  • Jack’s first visit to the climbing wall

    I took Jack climbing yesterday to Dynamic Rock. We were there for 4 hours and even then he didn’t want to go home! He’s never spent so much time doing anything, except maybe a marathon Star Wars Lego on the Wii stint. It’s a nice climbing wall, and is pretty quiet at this time of…