Year: 2008
Learning to ride
It’s very difficult to learn to ride a bike. And occasionally bumpy.
Week 5: the salivary glands
In this week’s anatomy session we looked at the 3 pairs of salivary glands: sublingual, submandibular and parotid glands. We noted their locations, nearby structures, how they duct into the oral cavity and their nervous innervation. You can review this in your favourite anatomy textbook. Remember that these glands are encapsulated in connective tissue, causing…
Lecture to Blackboard
Sorry all. Tomorrow’s lecture would be on Blackboard by now but both Blackboard and my PC are being idiots. I’ll keep fighting but you might not get it in time.
Week 4: the liver
We started by looking at varices (dilated veins) in the oesophagus and around the umbilicus (caput medusae). We also mentioned hemorrhoids. Read more about these varices with these links: Patient UK – esophageal varices New England Journal of Medicine – caput medusae MedicineNet – hemorrhoids (piles) Our aim for the session was to use anatomy…
Week 3: Introduction to embryology
The aim of today’s lecture was to talk about what an embryo is, and give a sense of how it forms, what it looks like, and what it will become. I spoke about four principles of growth and development that are really important to the future series of embryology lectures. My underlying aim was to…
I stumbled on this at Runners World and love it. Its a temporary tattoo with your km or mile timings for the pace at which you want to run your next marathon (or other distance). Stick it on for the race and check your timing at the markers. An MDot on your right forearm and…
Embryology podcast
Rhi and I are still chucking out podcasts even though we’re separated by the Bristol Channel. Unfortunately recording over Skype is a bit of a pain in the arse, and Rhi sounds pretty good while I sound like a bee in a jam jar. Skype keeps adjusting my mic levels and I have to tweak…
Teaching me
Teaching me, originally uploaded by samwebster. Jack & I were in my office on the weekend and he taught me some anatomy.