


It’s a Jameson’s evening. I feel really fatigued, like I’ve picked up a virus, but I’m probably just tired. I haven’t really stopped this week, except to sleep.
I submitted a big, multidisciplinary grant application to the Royal Society on Wednesday, we had an anatomy exam resit on Monday, we’re finishing the 2 timetables for the 05/06 medicine teaching year, anatomy teaching begins again next week, and I was examining Cardiff medical students by viva today. So it was busy.
On other fronts, the CardiffTri website is getting used well now that race season has begun, & the new gallery is getting photos added to it by members which is good to see. It was some effort to construct. No-one bought any of my prints of Try-a-Tri though! I’m off to the Llandovery Sprint Triathlon tomorrow to take photos of our club members for the web-site.
With more grant application deadlines approaching, lectures & other teaching commitments to deliver, & Kim’s birthday on the 27th, it’s going to be a busy month. There’ll be a lot more early mornings & late nights.
Oh well, at least the new Star Wars film is out next week. It’d better be good.