Medicine at Swansea



So how’s the preparation for the new postgraduate entry medicine course in Swansea going?
Hmm, let’s see. The timetable is in place, and so are the huge number of lecturers from the Swansea NHS Trust and the University of Wales Swansea that will be teaching in the course of the first year. Lectures are written, computer based learning packages are ready to be uploaded, all the important administration stuff is in place, and the equipment is mostly (95%) where it’s supposed to be. We’ve all completed the handbooks for the individual modules, which are going off for printing, complete with all those very important learning objectives. I guess we just need students now. September the 8th is their due date for arrival.
As far as my individual modules are concerned, the anatomy (human structure) module has been the most work. Luckily Jo, the module organiser, had done most of the work before I got there. (I had to write that – she’ll read this). I’ve been at Swansea for 5 months now (almost) and for most of that time I’ve been working on the anatomy segment. We have a huge amount of material, information and specialist manpower in place to teach this most fundamental and important chunk of clinical knowledge.
The module I’m coordinating – development, growth and reproduction (DGR) – has been something I’ve only been able to get to grips with recently. Luckily it’s much smaller, but I must make contact with the many clinicians teaching in this part of the course (that I haven’t already), and with my Cardiff counterpart. (We’re tightly associated with the Cardiff University/UWCM medicine course).
There’s an update. If you’re a student due to start with us in September, we’re ready for you. With any luck I might be able to get some research done soon…