Tri Poll



Oops, I was supposed to get the poll for the choice of Cardiff Tri club champs event up last night. Oh well, it’s there now. I’ll have to try and give it it’s own page with a few images to make up for it’s lateness.
We’ve *still* got the rabbit. No sign of the owners yet, and we don’t have a hutch or a run, so it’s a bit cooped up. Poor little thing. I guess we’ll have to let it out for a scamper in our hallway this evening.
Like I said on Saturday, the layout for the website I’m currently developing is finally finished. I’ve settled on a design I’m happy with (3rd time lucky) and the template is all coded up. I need to add the content now, so I spent a few (very dull) hours sat scanning in brochures and pamphlets. I forsee a lot of typing in my near future….