Back to the office



Back in Swansea today. The train felt a lot smaller this morning after those Belgian jobs. Oh well. Train travel is more expensive over here too.
Look what I had to put together this morning:
Jo had left these goodies on my desk. This is a prototype of the PCs we’re going to buy for the anatomy suite (probably 14 of them). It’s a small footprint Dell, so of course Intel/WinXP because that’s what everyone uses, and that’s what the IT people support. However it was suggested to us that we buy quality monitors because of all the detailed images we’re going to be using them for so I went for the Formacs. We wanted 17″ but they’ve just stopped making them, so we got the 19″ for the same price. Sweet, eh? I should be getting one of these for my main work computer (Powerbook?) eventually.