


This morning I had a 6am start to help organise the Cardiff Triathletes’ Try-a-Tri novice sprint distance triathlon. My role (luckily because we had plenty of marshals) was to take photos for the website. I took a couple of hundred pictures, and lent out a camera to get another hundred photos from the start/finish area while I was out roving on my bike. (Thanks Gwen!)
Here’s a pic of the winner, Peter Rowat. And he’s a new Cardiff Tri member too, so I think he really is a triathlon novice? Click the pic for a larger image.
I put the results up on the website this afternoon and generated a photo gallery of some of the better, more representative photos of the event. Later this week I’ll upload a massive gallery, trying to incorporate pictures of as many competitors as possible.
I have had to upgrade the hosting for the Tri website and for Jif (at as we were exceeding our limits and I have a lot of content to add. Luckily I get 2 months hosting free (I think – if I was quick enough) and a free domain name. I wonder what I’ll do with my free domain name?