Daft Rail



This is dumb. Get this: if I buy a ticket on the train from Cardiff to Swansea it costs me 8.60 ukp.
8.60 x 5 = 43
If I buy a weekly season ticket for the same route it costs me 44.40 ukp. That’s a non-discount of + 1.40. What the crap is that all about? Talk about dumbass railway operators.
What’s worse is that if I add the local train journey from beside my house to Cardiff Central the weekly ticket only costs 47.60 ukp. Daily this is
5 x 10.60 ukp = 53
and therefore a decent weekly saving of 5.40 ukp. What the hell is going on?
Add to this the costs of taking your bike on the train: book in advance + it costs 1 ukp. Don’t book and it costs maybe costs 3 ukp if the train manager wants to charge you (most don’t). Buy a weekly ticket and they charge you 15ukp! What the hell?
Answers on a postcard to National Rail.