


Ah. 5 minutes to blog:
Jack’s much better. His teeth seem to be settling down, and we had our first full night’s sleep last night. And he woke me up perfectly on time this morning. He’s very snotty though, and a bit hot, so he seems to have a bit of a cold. He’s much happier though.
I’m waiting for a box from Apple to send my iPod back in for warrantied repairs.
I’ve almost finished all my lab stuff in time for Swansea, but I’ve had to work like a devil to get it done. It’s my last week next week. Leaving do Thursday, I think.
More and more people are sharing their music via iTunes on the Cardiff University network. Me included. Very cool! (You can’t download music like this, only listen to it).
There’s are university strikes next week. Hmmm.
Back to cataloguing my images.