Here it comes

Orange mountain bike
There we go. I said it wouldn’t take too long. I’m trail running almost every morning, discovering new routes and loving getting out in the mud and grass, and I’ve been out on my mountain bike twice a week checking out some new trails not too far from home. It doesn’t feel like training, it just feels like I’m going out and doing some fun stuff. Checking the data afterwards (I’m not looking at it when I’m out) and I’m getting some good work done while having fun.
I’ve only been in the pool a couple of times a week but I’ve been paying more attention to my backstroke and fly technique. Backstroke is getting a bit better, fly is an ugly thug. It’s great to be swimming with a club again, even if I only get out one night a week with the Swansea Masters. I’m looking forward to swimming more regularly next week and will start to lay down some metres with a bit of a focus on my weaknesses to start with to mix things up.

Mountain biking with views of Oxwich Bay.
I’ve started to plan out this winter’s strength training with a shift in focus on previous years from bike strength to swim strength. My freestyle stroke has improved a lot this year but my gains in technique don’t match up with speed gains yet, partly because I’m a weakling in the wrong areas. I’m going to get a bit of professional advice on this too.
The next job is to have a look around and find some companies that might be able to help me out next year. 2013 was a crazy expensive year and I could really do with a bit more support to do what I want to do in 2014. I’d like to try something new, but trying new things often costs money. Particularly if you have high aspirations.
The love is back, and I’m looking forward.
Autumn weight gain
(I might put a bit more weight on before I start shifting it again).