Keep plugging away

That's me on the right with a bit of yellow

I’m away again tomorrow with the family for a bit, probably away far enough to be off (most of) the grid. No email, no t’internet, lots of space, fresh air, fresh roads and fresh hills. It’s good timing & good planning as I’m coming to the end of an extended block of training designed to deliver me to my next two races in good fitness. Two more heavy days and then I can chill out, sleep in, train easy & enjoy the views. I’m going to drag the kids out for some easy walks in interesting places. Something different, somewhere I’ve never been before.

The Cardiff Tri club championship race is coming up, held at the Tuska Sprint Triathlon that I missed last year as I’d broken my clavicle & couldn’t yet get a wetsuit on (er, or raise my arm above my head). It would be nice to go well there & I’m looking forward to unwrapping my running legs to see if all the work has started to help yet. I’m finally getting my mileage back to the levels they need to be able to run fast in competition.

My legs hurt. They’re hitting the levels of daily soreness I last felt when marathon training.

With help from Andy Scutt and Jak Mullins, a lot of work and a few Swansea Masters sessions my swim stroke finally seems to be kicking on again. It’s getting longer, I’m holding more water and I’m a tad more hydrodynamic I reckon. It’s not really translating to faster times yet but I’m starting to get the feel. My stroke count has dropped and the whole thing has the potential for power. It feels great when it clicks. I still need to get a lot of this wired, but if I can add strength and aerobic endurance to this I might be getting somewhere. I can’t give away so much time at the start of a race and expect to be competitive.

Bag packing time. I’ve got a really long drive tomorrow.

106 Iced Dinosaurs