Teaching & Innovation

Black tie
I was nominated for some teaching awards by our medical students, and the award ceremony was last week. I think I agreed to go before anyone told me that it was a black tie event (I haven’t worn a dinner jacket since I was a student) but I’m very glad I did. I won the Swansea College of Medicine Teaching and Innovation Award and was a runner up for our Clinical Teacher of the Year Award too. On top of that I won one of the major prizes of the evening, the BMA Wales and BMJ Teaching and Learning Innovation Award for 2013. Nice, eh?

Does this mean that I know what I’m doing? I’m not sure. Woah, that’s a bit meta.
Teaching & Learning Innovation Awards
The award itself was created by Chris Williams, and is described as being “inspired by the ancient Welsh landscape; the peaks and troughs represent the ups and downs of the path to innovation. The distinct rings of the wood represent growth, life and knowledge”.
Spot on.
Thanks to the students for nominating for me, and thanks to the sponsors of the event. I’ve got plenty more crazy stuff up my rolled up sleeves.