> 1TB



I’m working from home today, and the MacBook Pro is properly plugged in to all the bits on my desk, now that I’ve finally cleared it off again (Kim tidies up the house by dumping stuff she finds on my desk). I’ve been working from my lap wherever I find myself at home until now. So moving stuff off my MacBook on to an external disk (that has disappeared under a pile of tax return paperwork) and reorganising large files (podcasts, collections of photos from the Gambia scoping visit, etc) has almost filled this external hard disk. The podcast that Rhi and I recorded yesterday is 0.8GB. My standard memory card for my camera is 4GB now.
This is getting daft. I’ve got over 1.5TB (terabytes, thats about 1,500 GB) of storage space in this house and it’s almost full. I’ve got almost 1TB on my desk at work (but there’s lots of free space there at the moment). It looks like I need to get another disk, and probably one that’s 0.5TB to 1TB in size. Crikey. How they hell am I to keep all this organised and ensure that it’s all backed up? I need to get rid of some computers I think, and centralise stuff.
The big, new expensive Apple Time Capsule is starting to look like a really good idea. The big one has 1TB of storage, automatically baks up all your Macs, it replaces your WiFi router and speeds up your network. Quality kit too.
I’ve got too many hard disks ad I’m getting confused. Apple may be the way, but I think I’d need a windfall to pay for it all.
By the way, my note about Apple TV and Apple’s Hi-Def film rentals defeating HD-DVD and Blu-ray didn’t mention the really important bit: all the major networks will provide HD films through this online rental system. Unite and conquer?
You’re still going to be paying a premium for being an “early adopter” and viewing HD films from Apple, as in all other delivery mediums. Come on, we’ve been told to buy high definition TVs for years now, and yet you’re still treating us like this is a new technology? How many people do you know with an HD-ready TV? But how many people do you know with Sky HD, Blu-ray or HD-DVD? Exactly. It’s a ridiculous situation. Drop the price for HD content and get people using it at last!