Easy Glider


in ,

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I want one! This would really mix up my daily commute (and give my tired old legs the occasional break). It’s a “personal transportation device” (yawn) that looks simple and fun. It’s essentially a powered wheel that drags you along on whatever wheely thing you prefer to stand on (I wonder if it’s any good with shopping trolleys round Tescos….) It’s way cheaper than a Segway, far simpler, and personally I reckon it looks a lot more fun. You’d look a little less of a twat on one of these than poncing about on a fancy-arsed Segway.
Dear Father Christmas…
Easy Glider website
Gadget Show article


2 responses to “Easy Glider”

  1. 1) Father Christmas sounds much more distinguished than Santa Clause.
    2) That is an astounding toy. I’d want one, but the only well paved roads in TX are interstates.
    3) What’s a “twat?”

  2. 1) Yes.
    2) We’re getting more and more cycle paths in the UK. It’s great!
    3) Er…. I’ll leave you to Google that. Or maybe that’s not good advice. http://www.urbandictionary.com?