NHS ‘wastes millions on asthma’

Reported by the BBC:
“Three-quarters of emergency admissions for asthma in England could have been avoided, a report argues.
“The charity Asthma UK said better guidance to help patients manage their conditions could save the NHS in England £43.7 million a year.
“Its study found the rate of emergency admissions for asthma patients varies hugely across England.”
BBC article
From the treatment I’ve seen of my asthma, this is entirely plausible. Different GP surgeries look after their asthmatic patients in different ways, and my new, local surgery is the best I’ve encountered. They have a systematic approach to investigating your asthma and showed me problems I didn’t know I had. A simple treatment has made a large difference to parts of my life, and this treatment has been around for a decade or more.
I’ve gone from my original GP, who told me that as he had worse patients there was nothing he would do for me, to a practice that are preparing me for my future. That may well have prevented hospital admissions in my dotage.


3 responses to “NHS ‘wastes millions on asthma’”

  1. Captain Anon avatar
    Captain Anon

    Let me guess – adding a long acting beta agonist like Seretide to the mix?

  2. Anonymous avatar

    anything in particular that was helpful?

  3. Primarily, the nurse and dedicated asthma clinic. Attitude rather than specific drugs.