Down time

It’s good to be back on the bike. My hamstring injury didn’t seem to be getting much better so I tried to take a full 9 days off any sort of exercise, which included my daily cycle to work. Very inconvenient. I can’t say that it feels as though it has helped much (but it most likely did) so I got back on the bike today. It’s a very easy, steady ride and I usually use light exercise as a method of aiding repair of most injuries. Oh well. The muscles seem to have tightened up but don’t feel much stronger. Yes, I should probably continue the full rest with light stretching, heat treatment and massage but it’s difficult to maintain. I have cut out running and my usual training for 6 weeks now and not even cycling steadily to work and back each day was driving me nuts. (The lack of exercise meant some serious levelling in Warcraft and a new character, suggesting I really need to get out more). Imagine living with me at the moment – poor Kim!