Ele the Elephant



My little sister has been washing and feeding baby elephants in Sri Lanka. I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog, Ele!

Dear mum, dad, nick, vicky, sam, kim, cand and
Since the last mail we have been on a little adventure
traveling around Sri Lanka, doing the „Cultural‰
stuff. We hired a van along with a driver and guides
and headed up into the hill country. We drove through
all the tea plantations and had a cuppa or two, then
went to Kandy the main city inland. Here we went to
loads of temples and visited the ruins of the ancient
cities. We stayed in a mixture of places some better
than others!! Some with more bugs than you would care
to imagine (Ele wouldn‚t eat a thing at one place..
..but her napkin and the table we sat on were moving!)
We then hired a Jeep and driver and went on Safari ˆ
very good, saw a load of elephants (about 130). The
following day was the best so far, we visited an
elephant orphanage where Ele fed a baby elephant. We
both then went down to the river where we washed an
elephant with coconut shells. He then returned the
favour and gave us a shower with his trunk whilst we
sat on his back. He then trotted off and gave us a
short ride before we hand fed him his breakfast.
All in all a very Good trip. We are now in Negombo,
not the best place in Sri Lanka, but close to the
airport, as we fly to the Maldives on Saturday. All in
all Sri lanka has been great. Good weather,
surprisingly good food.. ..not losing the weight like
we thought we would! And met some great people, the
craziest thing is that whilst we were staying in a
small village in land we met a friendly Buddhist
family. It turned out that they have a brother working
on Lohifushi the atoll we visit next week, small
world!! So we are taking a letter for them (checked it
for drugs ˆ trust no one!).
everything is fine and we are both well. it is
suprising how qi\uick the time is going – been here a
month already, its unbelievable!! hope alls well at
home. keep us posted with jacks progress – cant
believe hes crawling and talking nearly! saw a photo
of him on sams site with hime sitting up in a shopping
trolley – hes a proper big boy now!
well, hope evryones well, and mum and dad hope you had
fun in scotland.
cand – hope alls going well with you know who –
missing you and our chats!
mum – i think that wierd white flower in the pot in
the garden is an Indian Trumpet Flower, we saw a
massive version in a botanical gardens here.
dad – hope the golfs going well.
nick – hope the business is taking off and the van is
back on the road
better go. will email after the maldives. love you all
loads and loads.
missin you, all our love
ele and lee