So tired



What a great weekend. We went back to Cheltenham to see the family, and for the annual bonfire night party at mum and dad’s. Jack had a bit of an intrigue/fear thing with the fireworks, and had his hands over his ears and stayed inside the house most of the evening. With an early round of golf one day and a very early start for fishing the following day, plus Jack waking up in the night and me being already tired from the week before, I was extremely tired yesterday evening. With a good night’s sleep I felt better this morning, but I had to get to work early to help finish off one teacher’s presentation and then organise alternative work as another teacher failed to turn up. That plus 3 hours teaching of the anatomy of the shoulder (which is difficult to to fix in your brain when you’re repeating yourself 5 times and working your way around the joint) and ensuring the student group as a whole is getting what it’s supposed to has left me as tired as yesterday. I’m glad I’m an academic with flexible working hours.
Tomorrow I teach the embryology of the musculoskeletal system, of which people assume I know more than I do. Sure, I’m a cartilage biologist and I’m interested in the development of joints, but that’s far beyond the scope of this lecture and when you become embroiled with the detail you often lose sight of the basics. So it’s a useful exercise for me, but I’ll be glad when this term is over.