Sunny Mornings

I really didn’t want to come in to work today. We’d had an excellent extended weekend and I was woken by Jack at about 7.15 this morning. I was nice and comfortable at home and Jack was really sad about the idea of me going to work for the day (I’ll aim not to work too late this afternoon). By the time I had packed everything I needed for the day I really couldn’t muster the energy to get on my bike. It was chilly too, with the suggestion in the air that September starts this week.
Nonetheless, I got on my bike and onto the cyclepath (after an unusual struggle to turn right on the road with car drivers uncertain of their ability to drive properly). The sun was out, the woods were bright and green, and I soon warmed up pedaling easily uphill. As usual, by the time I reached the sea I was feeling much better – awake and brighter. The tide was almost in, and the sea was flat calm. The sky was still blue, so it was very pleasant. I found myself looking forward to getting to my desk and preparing the next few weeks of teaching with a cup of tea.
So far all is going well. I think I must be lucky to enjoy my job, right?