Teen Horror Films



I’m watching “House of Wax”, and as usual I’m rooting for the killers. It must be my age, but the kids in these films annoy the hell out of me. They’re rich, sexy, sex-focused, moronic, insensitive, stereotyped, serial-killer-fodder. I’m just glad the secretive nutters that prey on them keep coming up with new and interesting ways of killing them. It doesn’t help that the psycho in this film looks like a short Ozzy Osbourne, making the chase scenes a little Benny Hill, and I keep expecting to see Scooby Doo sitting in amongst the waxworks hiding from the killer.
Should I be worried about this (not the Benny Hill thing, the rooting for the killers thing)? I think I just see through the Hollywood tricks (direction, camera work, special effects, etc) too easily unless the film draws me in properly. The George Romero nods at the beginning didn’t help with that. Truly original horror films still freak me out.