


I haven’t looked at the stats for for a while. I killed the page counters that it had when the service started throwing up pop-ups and pop-unders. May and June are usually the busiest times of year for that site because of our two main races, Try-a-Tri and Cosmeston. I was happy to learn that we’ve had:
2.3 million page views in the last year
30Gb of data transferred
128,824 visitors in the last year, averaging 614 per day in May
754 visits (not page views) on the busiest day in May
I was surprised to learn that the top ranking search strings used to find the Cardiff Triathletes’ website are:
1. grizzl-
2. huge tits
3. cardiff triathlon
4. grizzly adams
Quite bizarre.


One response to “ stats”

  1. perhaps we should all put lots (more) dodgy phrases into our comments to drive more traffic our way