Cosmeston Triathlon

I’ve just got home from Cosmeston Lakes after a long day (out of bed 6am) helping in the triathlon. I do a bunch of tasks, the main one of which is “official photographer”. I see the same faces every year and they seem to recognise me, looking out for me at these races and giving me the same poses, which I love. I’ve got around 450 photos which I’m backing up, tagging and sorting through. If you were a competitor a selection of these photos will be up by this evening, and a huge batch will have been uploaded to within a week. My first job is to get the results up for you all.
The race went very well, everyone I spoke to had a good time, and the weather was great. The swim was originally 750m so I took a GPS device out in the boat today to measure the distance between the buoys in the lake as we dropped them. The actual swim distance was 550m. No wonder you guys always get such good swim times!
Favourite photo(s) to follow.