Welsh Snow



Snow in Wales is so fleeting – notoriously so in North Wales, where plans for a winter weekend become plans for a wet weekend when the wind changes direction. I feel like I should get out and do something in it, like take Jack sledging, build a snowman, walk in the Brecons or explore Gower. Instead I have commitments to indoorsy activities like long meetings and the like. By the time I’m free the snow will have gone. I guess cycling to work was pretty nice though. How can I get out of the city before Saturday?


One response to “Welsh Snow”

  1. “How can I get out of the city before Saturday?”
    You can run…. really really fast.
    It may be snowing there, but here it is 61°F with a high of 83°F. It is very nice, except that it means there is only one solid month more before the 104°F and 106°F again. Do you have four dinstinct seasons there? In TX we have hot and cold. And occasionally a drought. 🙂