Give blood



I’ve just been giving blood. It’s not the first time I’ve done it, but it’s one of few occasions since they relaxed some of the restrictions some years ago (think asthma). It doesn’t hurt any more than a scratch, and it took less than 45 minutes all in. And most of that time was spent sitting around drinking tea and eating biscuits (we had run out of tea in the office).
So if you see the sign, especially if you’re a medical student in Swansea reading this, go and give blood. Don’t leave it until later, because you’ll put it off. Do it straight away, or put it in a slot in your diary. It’s easy, and it’s very helpful. They never get enough donations, which is daft if you consider the huge number of students milling around the Students Union at this time of year, preventing me from getting my lunch. They’re here until Monday.
Hey, if I get knocked off my bike again, it could be me using that blood.


One response to “Give blood”

  1. They won’t take my blood whenever I try – and it’s always a different reason. I blame all that anal sex with those African monkey prostitutes 🙁
    — A.