Month: September 2014

  • Photos: Stuart MacCormac Sprint Triathlon 2014

    I took photos at the Stuart MacCormac triathlon early yesterday morning. The Flickr album is here:

  • Autumn and winter cycling and commuting

    I’m still seeing lots of people cycling in September. Great! People seem to have really got into cycling in the UK in the summer and the continued dry, warm weather is helping. People are out early in the morning when I’m training and in the evening when I’m riding home from work. Lots of these…

  • Newness & adventure


    in ,

    It’s that time of year, when summer is over, the mornings become cooler, and the kids go back to school. Most of us are getting back into our normal routines but some of us, like my son, are beginning new ones. He has started secondary school this week and he, like most of his friends,…