Month: August 2011

  • Next!

        What the hell is wrong with me? I’m gearing up to the last race of the season and I’m already mentally laying out my winter training. Shouldn’t I be welcoming the R&R of October? I always look forward to the changing seasons. This morning was very autumnal out on the bike, in full…

  • Last big block of 2011?

        I’ve pretty much finished my last big block of training for the year & I’m in a recovery week before a few peaking and taper weeks. I’m quite chuffed that I managed to hit almost every workout in a disrupted schedule, although the running has been limited to aerobic stuff of gradually increasing…

  • Run!

    Running hasn’t been going very well for me this year. I made a decision to make some changes to my biomechanics over the winter that seem to have worked very well. Unfortunately I thought I could pick up the volume of running that I’d done in previous years and ripped my calves to bits. A…