Month: June 2010

  • Llanelli 10k (2010)

    Finishing speed, originally uploaded by samwebster. Check out the heart rate for this sucker! It was hot yesterday so my HR was a tad high, but see it kick up again at half way! It hits 95% of max HR by the end. It’s a positive split but I reckon the second half of that…

  • Windsor race report

      I wasn’t going to bother writing a race report, but I haven’t blogged for a bit & it’s getting a bit work biased here, so I’ll write a short bit about the weekend. I’m also writing this on an iPad so let’s see how good this virtual keyboard is. I also raced the Gower…

  • Neuroscience podcast 4: autonomic nervous system

    Phil & I recorded another neuroscience podcast. Number 4 covers the autonomic nervous system and we talk about the anatomy, the wiring of the neurones, and the neurotransmitters involved. I might have to listen to that neurotransmitters section a few more times. MP3: Neuroscience podcast 4 – autonomic nervous system. iTunes: Neuroscience podcast 4 –…

  • Anatomy & embryology podcast 24

    OK, I finally finished the latest podcast in which Rhiannon and I talk about what we think are the important aspects of the anatomy of the lower limb. This is the first part of two, and is 45 minutes long. We talk about the bones of the foot and ankle, the knee, the sciatic nerve,…