Month: October 2008

  • Week 105 – the first 18 days of human development

    In this second embryology lecture we looked at how we develop from a zygote (fertilised ovum) to a simple embryo with the three germ layers that will form all parts of the adult. Cells of the zygote divide until a mass of smaller cells forms a morula. The cells inside will form the embryo and…

  • Learning to ride


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    It’s very difficult to learn to ride a bike. And occasionally bumpy.

  • Week 5: the salivary glands

    In this week’s anatomy session we looked at the 3 pairs of salivary glands: sublingual, submandibular and parotid glands. We noted their locations, nearby structures, how they duct into the oral cavity and their nervous innervation. You can review this in your favourite anatomy textbook. Remember that these glands are encapsulated in connective tissue, causing…

  • Lecture to Blackboard

    Sorry all. Tomorrow’s lecture would be on Blackboard by now but both Blackboard and my PC are being idiots. I’ll keep fighting but you might not get it in time.

  • The modern fruit bowl



    The modern fruit bowl, originally uploaded by samwebster.