Year: 2008
Apple OS Upgrade
On my return to work from paternity leave I found a box on my desk. It’s an Apple upgrade. Leopard! Very pretty. Let’s see what’s new then… Lots!
Paternity leave photos
Getting Jack a haircut. His first time with clippers was tickly! Dad out with Annabel. Bathing the bunny.
Paternity leave
I’m off work this week, quietly enjoying some paternity leave. I know, it’s a bit late, but I took holiday leave when Annabel was born and it was so early that I hadn’t filed the paternity leave paperwork yet. Annabel is 9 and a half weeks old, and was weighed at 2.58kg (5lb 11oz) yesterday.
Jack’s birthday cake
This awesome Lego Star Wars cake was made by Kim (and matches the awesome Lego Star Wars party invitation I designed – I should blog that too).
Jack’s birthday party
jack5thparty_gowerton_svw_072.jpg, originally uploaded by samwebster. Disco! (He’s dressed as a Star Wars Clone Trooper, by the way, but is dancing without the mask).
Bigfoot spotted, on Mars
I love the internet. A recent image from the Spirit Mars Rover of yet more red rocks that includes a small, funny shaped rock has emerged as proof of humanoid life on Mars. (Can you see it? Middle left). Be careful that what you see is not only what you want to see. Bloody nutters.…