Year: 2008
Te Papa Colossal Squid Event
Would you like to watch an incredibly rare colossal squid being defrosted and dissected? You would? Well as luck would have it you can do just that from the website of the Te Papa museum in New Zealand: Colossal Squid, Te Papa.
Exam papers
It’s the end of April, and the students have sat the exam papers for the modules that I am involved with. We’re working through the statistics and the scores, learning what worked and what didn’t, and the marks from all the papers will be pulled together and presented to the students sometime in the near…
Third cast
Bye, bye cast! Buzzzzzzzzzz. Uh-oh, the doctor says Jack should wear a cast for another week. He likes the blue, but was bored to tears hanging around for hours for it, and doesn’t look forward to doing it all again next week.
Embryology podcast episodes 11 & 12.
Go to the medicine page to get the latest 2 (yes, 2!) podcasts. They are no. 11: the development of the heart, and no. 12: changes to the foetal circulation at birth, with Dr Geraint Morris. The MP3s are up, the enhanced AACs will appear on iTunes later today.