Month: January 2005

  • Jack’s Party



    Jack will be 2 tomorrow. He had a small party with his mates in Cardiff today.

  • It’s gonna be crap



    Phil believes. He believes it’ll be great.

  • X-Box Time



    To Dad, Happy Christmas, from Dad. Thanks, me! Halo 2 is great. It’d be even better if I could get the hang of the bloody controller. The Dolby Digital sound through my home cinema setup makes up for my temporary clumsiness, enjoyment-wise.

  • Tax Return



    Woohoo! I finally submitted my tax return for last year! That took a while. The Inland Revenue online submission tools are actually very good though. I hope I got it right…

  • Hi, my name is Sam, and I’m an infoholic



    OK, I admit it. I have a problem. I think I’ve had this problem for some years now. I’m a geek and I am addicted to information. Right now I’ve got 6 tabs open in my browser, each working with quite different subjects. But that’s not the thing. The thing is that I just saw…

  • Off



    It was just one of those times when, in all the universe, a car door wanted to be in exactly the same space as me at exactly the same time. What are the odds of that? I’m writing this on the train. I got knocked off about an hour ago, and had to walk to…

  • Headphones



    I’m on the train, listening to Coldplay on my iPod. With in-ear headphones. Which are very good at cutting out valley chatter. And yet I can still hear the leaking noise from someone else’s headphones. Holy crap. Get some consideration/decent earphones. There can’t be much sound left to actually go to his ears. Dick.