Year: 2008

  • Smack!



    Smack!, originally uploaded by samwebster. Birksy gets smacked down by my mum.

  • Easter break

    Jack fell off a window sill in his bedroom at Mum and Dad’s yesterday (what the hell was he doing on the window sill?), and complained of a sore left wrist. He was very tired anyway, and his wrist was bothering him and he was protecting it, but it wasn’t excruciating. He slept very well…

  • Happy Easter


    in ,

    One of Jack’s painted Easter eggs!

  • Timmeh!



    Jack drew this self-portrait at school. Is it just me, or does this look like Jimmy from South Park? (from

  • Day of the Dead?



    We went to a shopping centre while the rugby was on yesterday buy some things we’ve been putting off (I hate shopping centres on a weekend). I felt like a survivor in a zombie movie – it was eerily quiet. The only other survivors of the zombie plaque were people behind tills. Saturday afternoon! Where…

  • Grand Slam



    Good luck Wales! It should be an awesome day in Cardiff today! BBC article – Thousands to watch Grand Slam bid.

  • Embryology podcast no. 8

    The 8th embryology podcast from me and Rhiannon, in which we talk about the development of the urinary system, is up in iTunes (enhanced AAC) and on the Medicine page (MP3). I know, we said we were going to talk about cardiovascular embryology, but Geraint Morris was very keen to take part in some of…

  • Desk stuff



    Desk stuff, originally uploaded by samwebster. I was amazed by the weird stuff that was accumulating on my desk at home, so felt the need to blog a photo. Helicopter, Halloween skull candle, dinosaur, balls, scorecards, hard disks, cables, cables, cables…

  • March Weather



    Bad weather at sea, originally uploaded by samwebster. Hail falling at sea. We realised it was hail when it came to get us.

  • James Cracknell completes swim to Africa



    James Cracknell has completed his massive Sport Relief challenge and made it to Africa. He travelled from the UK to Africa using his own power, covering 1,460 miles in 10 days by rowing, cycling and swimming. His aim was to show that Africa isn’t as far from the UK as we often feel it is,…